SooS Chronicles is an Italian collective of documentary photographers, founded by Filippo Bardazzi and Laura Chiaroni, which focuses on the relationship between man and environment, with a peculiar interest in all those changes involving past and present.
Standing Still [2013] was our first long term project: a photographic survey of the American West and its representation in contemporary iconography, while The Great Illusion [2015], documented the early explorations of unconventional gas in Europe. Granitsa [2017] is our latest work. It focuses on the Russian community of Ida-Viru county, Estonia.
Our images have been published both on Italian and international magazines [D – La Repubblica, La Stampa, Gente, Newsweek, The Financial Times, Courrier International] and have been shortlisted and awarded in several photographic festivals worldwide [Premio Marco Pesaresi, Rovinj Photodays, Atkins CIWEM–London, Photo Kathmandu, Riga Photomonth, Athens Photo Festival].
Have a look at our activity on SooS Chronicles website:
For inquiries and information you can contact us at our email address:
For inquiries and information you can contact us at our email address: